Visoka škola modernog biznisa Beograd, Srbija

Visoka škola modernog biznisa Beograd, Srbija

Visoka škola za uslužni biznis Sokolac, Istočno Sarajevo, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina


The paper deals with the issue of corporative management principle and the strategy of the participants’ social responsibility in corporative management. It will also address the issue of the “agency problem” which refers to the simulation of the management of a joint stock company in relation to the corporate management. The special emphasis will be put on the specific features of corporate management in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, with particular focus on the negative and positive characteristics of corporate management. Furthermore, the paper will focus on making distinction between the function of corporate governance and corporate management. It will also analyze the issue of the position and role of the supervisory board of a joint stock company in corporate management.


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