Polјoprivredni fakultet u Kruševcu, Univerzitet u Nišu, Srbija

Ekonomski fakultet, Univerzitet u Nišu, Srbija


Agriculture is important for economic development, especially in developing countries. In order to successfully develops an important element is the development of its insurance. Data indicate low penetration markets with traditional security models, which are developing alternative forms of insurance. The goal of alternative forms of agriculture insurance is to provide farmers with small plots, income and opportunities for production to insure their property, but also to protect it from extreme weather conditions that are increasingly common in recent decades. In addition there are other defects in the classical form of insurance that do not allow smaller manufacturers to ensure their crops or if secure. This has created an index based insurance. Today, this type of insurance is developing in two directions: one is the weather index-based and the other is a satellite index insurance. Both approaches use data which are obtained on the basis of measurement of meteorological parameters, except that for a first model of the following parameters obtained from weather stations, and the other by the remote probing of the Earth. Serbia in January 2019 signed a protocol on cooperation with Roskosmos, where one of the fields is the cooperation in the field of remote probing of the Earth. This protocol can be the basis for the development of index insurance based on satellite data in the Republic of Serbia.


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