Univerzitet u Beogradu – Ekonomski fakultet, Srbija


The world is at the threshold of the fourth industrial revolution, which is changing from the root the social, economic and cultural context in which we live. This revolution is significantly different from the previous three in terms of speed, coverage, innovation capacity. The effects of the fourth industrial revolution at the national economy level are diversified and numerous. They are manifested in different domains, such as: production and business models, workforce and its qualifications, as well functioning of a state. Challenges that stand in front of every country, including Serbia, concern its readiness for what is inevitable, ability to perceive the changes and timely adapt to them in order to derive maximum economic, social and political benefits from the digital transformation process. Great economic challenges are looking for strategic solutions, but also valid landmarks in search for them. Good metrics can be of priceless help in that process. The paper points to composite indicators that measure the penetration depth of the fourth industrial revolution and the country's readiness to respond to technological challenges. Among them stands out the Global Competitiveness Index 4.0, created by the World Economic Forum and adapted to the new technological age.


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