Competition law and other branches of law have undergone major changes with the development of the digital economy. Managing change in the age of globalization has proven to be a great challenge for the legislations of both developed and underdeveloped economies of the world. Since the economy of one country is not closed and goods and services move beyond the borders of other countries, legal norms in this area extend beyond the boundaries of national legislation, which inevitably leads to conflicts of law in this area of law.That is why it is not surprising that a large number of bilateral and multilateral conventions regulating Competition Law are implemented in order to harmonize and unify the law. With the development of the digital economy, the number of behaviors that can be infringed by Competition Laws is increasing, leading to another important issue, which is how to protect consumer rights when the sale is conducted within the digital economy. How to prevent the abuse of a dominant position and create a level playing field between market participants, buyer and seller.The relationship between competition law and consumer rights in the age of globalization is more pronounced than ever, especially if it moves in the direction that consumers should not only be protected from the illicit actions of manufacturers and sellers of goods, but that the whole attitude towards consumers must be changed, since the choice and consumer loyalty to a particular product depends on the survival of the other party. Many large companies have ceased to exist because they could not keep up with the needs that the consumer has in the modern world, which are no longer basic economic needs, but are equally important in the age of globalization.
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