Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Fakultet poslovne ekonomije Bijelјina, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Fakultet poslovne ekonomije Bijelјina, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina

JU narodna biblioteka i muzejska zbirka Zvornik, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina


Position in the global business network is conditioned by information technology progression. Companies as a carriers of economic development are important entity in this process. In order to maintain sales in the conditions of intensive competition, it is necessary to approach each consumer individually to win his trust. A key moment in this approach is implementation of CRM (Customer relationship management), especially in the case of mass consumption goods. Companies in transition countries implement these systems in order to keep up with the competition or to be ahead. Result of this is adaptation of their offer to each individual consumer, which is conditioned by the necessary informations. They are the most important element in this type of business. However, collecting, storing and processing of data are common problems that occur in these activities. IT sector is in charge of implementing and controlling the entire process of information manipulation. It is necessary to adapt system to the law which is protecting consumers rights. In order to avoid potential problems that may be caused by improper data manipulation, it is necessary to properly organize the databases and their protection. This paper shows the law regulation related to the manipulation of databases.


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