University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Business Economics, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Srpska
Bosnia and Herzegovina

University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Business Economics, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Srpska
Bosnia and Herzegovina


А process approach has gained great popularity in the business of companies around the world. Given that the topic of business processes and process-oriented organization attracts the attention of numerous scientists and practitioners, this confirms its relevance. The paper presents an empirical study from the perspective of a case study of a company in the wood industry. The research aims to determine the maturity level of the process-oriented organization over nine years of the company's operation. Additionally, it analyzes selected profitability indicators, namely: Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), net profit margin ratio, and EBITDA. Data were collected using both primary sources (interviews with the management of the process-oriented company) and secondary sources (financial reports and business process documentation from 2014 to 2022). Based on the analysis of the collected data, it was observed that the company has a high degree of maturity in applying the process approach. Interviews with the organization's management and documentation indicate that the progression from the initial level to a high level of maturity in business process management has positively impacted profitability indicators.


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