University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Doboj, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina

University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Doboj, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina


The era of technological development brings great challenges. The economy has never been more developed, but there have also never been more marginalized groups in society. This refers to people with special needs (certain disabilities), convalescents, elderly people, women... Social entrepreneurship is an excellent way to solve the problems of social inequality and poverty, thus leading to economic growth and development. The main goal of the research is to create a theoretical model of economic and social development through encouraging the development of social entrepreneurship. The research includes subjects of social entrepreneurship in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This paper refers to research on the impact of social entrepreneurship on the development of the economy and society. Other factors were declared constants. The research was carried out using a questionnaire, and regression and correlation methods were used for data analysis. The research results showed that social entrepreneurship can contribute to the economic and social development of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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