Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Russian Federation


Today's globe recognizes innovative processes and entrepreneurial endeavors as essential components of dynamic economic development. Entrepreneurship, which is a transforming element in bringing new ideas to reality, and innovations, which drive development, have an impact on social interactions, the economy, and the general standard of life in society. The combined discussion in this exchange captures an extensive investigation of several aspects associated with innovative entrepreneurship and international trade. The definitions of innovative entrepreneurship as well as the main factors influencing it were considered. The work assessed the innovative entrepreneurship of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. There is proposed a methodology for index evaluation of a region. The article presents the results of a cluster analysis of regional differentiation in the state of Russian innovative entrepreneurship in relation to international trade. Cluster analysis approaches allow different regions to be grouped into target clusters based on data of several indexes of a region's innovative and trade indicators. Study was carried out on the basis of data from official state regional statistics. The relevance of making this distinction is observed to determine further measures to improve the situation in the regions.


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