College of Tourism and Hospitality Trebinje, RS, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina

University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Education, Bijeljina, RS, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina


Despite numerous anthropogenic and natural advantages, the development of tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH) is very slow. The specificity of the state organization in terms of the two-entity division significantly contributes to the slowing down of the progress of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the field of tourism. In addition to the slower implementation of institutional and legal provisions, the tourism sector faces a significant lack of financial resources that, if used adequately, would significantly improve the destination's competitive position. In accordance with the European determination, various forms of financing initiated by the European Union (EU) are available to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The subject of this paper is the analysis of funds that are available to Bosnia and Herzegovina through various programs and forms of cross-border cooperation. The main goal of this analysis is to point out the missing funds in the national framework and the importance of the networking process with the region. In addition, the paper provides a comparative analysis of two program periods of EU regional policy, 2014-2020. and 2021-2027. years. In accordance with the subject and goal of the research, careful methodological settings result in concluding considerations, which are listed in a separate part of the paper.


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