Professor Emeritus, Full member of the Scientific Society of Economists of Serbia - member of the NDES presidency

University of Niš, Faculty of Economics, Niš, Serbia


Globalization is a process that is closely related to the development of new technologies that open the possibility for new types of business. There is a dynamic development of business, new ones types of trade, which raises the question of its impact on environment. With the development of new business business formats of trade - electronic trade the attention of marketing-management more and more also occupy additional questions, such as: how develop the concept of sustainable development on the basis balanced goals (economic, environmental and ethical). Social responsibility comes to the fore business, marketing-management strategy trading company created on the platform environmental awareness, taking into account the impact business on sustainable development, on the one hand, and impact novelties that technology brings with it (scientific technical progress), on man, on the other hand. For a more objective view of the impact of digital innovations on the development of society as a whole is necessary look at the effects that ensure how personal existence as well as social reproduction consumer, a key stakeholder in the marketing trade strategy and society as a whole. It requires it increasingly intensive involvement of consumers in creation marketing-management of trade strategies in under the conditions of the "new-digital-Web/Internet" economy. In this way, they are enabled to choose and create e-purchase and delivery options products, which leads to the development of competitive recognition and sustainability of electronic commerce. Bearing in mind the facts-trends presented above to the development of trade on the information platform communication technologies (ICT), research the niche of the (co)author of this paper will be directed in the direction analysis of interdependence (of the new "triangle"), between trade, ICT and sustainable business. All more turbulent modern environment leads to the issue of survival and further development of humanity, a the need for business in accordance with the goals sustainable development.


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