Institute for International Politics and Economy, Serbia

JVP Srbijavode, Beograd, Srbija


Overcoming crisis periods in business on the tourist market in Serbia is effectively overcome by using modern information and communication technologies. The development and use of these technologies enabled the broader application of electronic distribution channels that enable more comprehensive access to the market. This is particularly significant in the tourism industry due to sudden demographic changes and migration processes of tourists and employees in this propulsive business area. Travel agencies, as well as other entities in the tourist market, operate more and more intensively (even predominantly) using information and communication technologies. The effects of using personal computers, the Internet, global distribution, and reservation systems are multiple. They are manifested in the expansion of the market, the improvement of the placement of tourist products, increased business efficiency, cost reduction, strengthening competiveness, and the potential disintermediation of traditional travel agencies. This paper contains the summary results of research conducted in 2023 among travel agencies in Serbia on the impact of the most modern information and communication technologies on the tourism market in Serbia and its transformation from the perspective of business efficiency and competitiveness.


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